West Limerick Resources supports the development of new, alternative and supplementary sources of income and works with entrepreneurs, community enterprises, self-employed individuals, farmers, and small enterprises throughout West Limerick to enhance their development potential.
Under our various programmes we offer Enterprise Start-Up and development support including advice, training and business mentoring support. Our main enterprise supports programmes are:
- Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP)
- Back to Work Enterprise Allowance Scheme (BTWEA)
- Rural Development Programme (RDP)
Under GOAL 2 of the Social Inclusion Community Activitation Programme West Limerick Resources provides supports to individuals who wish to become self employed (this includes but is not limited to the long term unemployed, low income farmers, migrants, travellers, women, the disabled and others who are encountering disadvantage) .
- Advice and guidance to individuals who wish to become self employed (register with revenue, register as an employer, register for VAT, C2 Certificate, Insurance – public liability, product liability)
- General business advice and referrals to other agencies
- One to one Enterprise Mentoring Support (access viability of proposals, business analysis, business plan, budgets and cash flows, pricing structures and quotations)
- Enterprise Training – Start Your Own Business Workshops (four night programme covering all aspects of self employment)
Learn more about the SICAP programme here.
The Back to Work Enterprise Allowance Scheme
If you are in receipt of certain social welfare payments and would like to become self employed you may be eligible to apply for the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance scheme. This Scheme encourages people receiving certain social welfare payments in Ireland to become self-employed by allowing them retain a percentage of their social welfare payment for a set time period. Learn more.
For further information on the above programmes contact our Enterprise Officer Brenda Heath on 069 66297 or email bheath@wlr.ie.
Under the Rural Development Programme (LEADER); support is available to eligible individual promoters, start up enterprises, existing enterprises and community enterprise. Supports include:
- Selected investment in small rural enterprise space.
- Provision for a range of assistance for start-up & expansion of existing enterprises
- Support for the development of innovative products & activities.
- Encouragement of Tourism Activities
- Technical assistance
- General Business Advice and Guidance