The LEADER Programme aims to improve the quality of life in rural areas and to encourage diversification of the rural economy.
The 2013 to 2022 LEADER Programme is now closed. LEADER 2023 to 2027 is due to open in Limerick in Autumn 2024.
Under the new programme, local projects may be funded under three RDP themes and thirteen sub-themes as shown below
Theme 1: Economic Development and Job Creation
Sub Themes:
- The Green Economy
- Agricultural Diversification
- Rural Tourism and Recreation
- Enterprise Development
- Rural Food Production
- Social, Community and Cooperative Enterprises
Theme 2: Rural Infrastructure and Social Inclusion
Sub Themes:
- Rural Infrastructure
- Accessible Services
- Optimizing Digital Connectivity
- Rural Youth
Theme 3: Sustainable Development and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Sub Themes:
- Sustainable Development of the Rural Environment
- Climate Change Capacity Building
- Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
The programme will operate on the basis of two types of Calls which will be opened on a phased basis:
- Targeted Calls for EOIs: Targeted periodic Calls for EOIs are issued to ensure that funding is targeted where it most delivers value, is awarded based on comparative assessment and secures equal opportunities for potential applicants.
- Rolling Calls for EOIs: EOIs may be accepted on a “first come, first served” basis.
The Expression of Interest (EOI) is the first step of this two-step LEADER application process. Fully completed EOI’s will be assessed for eligibility under the Rural Development (LEADER) Programme 2023-27 and approved by the Limerick LCDC. Following eligibility assessment of EOI’s, applicants will be informed of the outcome. If the project is eligible in principle the applicant will be invited to make a formal application for funding. Applicants will be invited to engage and participate in a range of application support activities before completing and returning applications in line with the requirements as set out in each particular LEADER Funding Call and the LEADER Operation Rules.
To discuss project ideas please contact one of our development officers:
Katie Murray (Community Project) on 069 66294
Aimee Grigg (Community Project) on 069 66295
Caitriona Scully (Enterprise and Tourism Projects) on 069 66298
Suzanne Rowley (Programme Coordinator) on 069 79114
Limerick Local and Community Development Committee (LCDC) is the Local Action Group (LAG) for County Limerick and is responsible for the management of the LEADER Local Development Strategy (LDS) in the county. West Limerick Resources CLG is its implementation partner for the whole of county Limerick for LEADER 2023-2027 and will deliver the majority of project and animation related actions associated with the implementation of the LDS including managing calls for proposals. Limerick City and County Council are the financial partner and secretariat.